During our retracing of The Salt March, ninety years after the event, we recorded our own journey. Taking a photo every second for the 7.88 km walk we compiled these into a video capturing the manifestation of the banal that is not perceived but shapes the everyday experience of Ahmedabad. Using key parts of the everyday such as folk, animals, food, traffic, kites, dust and water this has been transcribed into an etching of the march.
Passing through the Delhi Gate there is the stretch of wall that The Salt March passed on the circumference of the old city. When tracing the march in this area we found a phenomenon of urban life where folks dwelled, conversed, played, produced and exchanged. This stretch of intrigue coincided with Measured Intensities as it was an intense site requiring intense measuring.
As the wall was in varying states, a seriality of wall condition was created. The first condition we approached was the presence of a void, in place of the wall was the metro underground construction. The next condition was the absence of wall, but the creation of communal amenity used by locals as a place to play, chat and produce. The final condition was the existing wall encrusted in a new skin of construction with space for mechanics workshops and local retailers.
Using our abilities we researched by drawing, photographing and meeting locals in selected territories in the city. This established serialities of place, conditions and objects, offering their unique qualities as items in series.


Pol Temple


Mechanic Repair Shop